Why us?
What makes us different
Why choose us over any other accounting firm? Because we can help improve your financial position using technology (innovation) and modern ideas (simplifying) that improves your products and services by defining and providing only the expert services (streamlining) that your business needs to add value.
Our values
We take ownership of clients while assuming responsibility for actions, proactively deliver innovative solutions and demonstrate a commitment to great products and services. We’re also very focused on continuous improvement.
Our team
Middlewise Accounting is owned and operated by director Darren Jacotine, a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) and Registered Tax Agent. Darren has extensive experience with not for profits, high net worth individuals and SME’s and broad business knowledge of starting, maintaining, extracting and closing businesses.
Our clients
We specialise in professional services such as consultants, marketers, lawyers and medical professionals, high net worth groups and SME’s, not-for-profits, trade and retail. In summary, those who will benefit most from a virtual accounting ‘department’ delivering expert customised solutions via a simple Cloud solution.
What our clients say
Building client relationships is at the top of our list of priorities. We invest time and energy in getting to know them and what makes their businesses go round. Here’s what some of them say about us…
Jenni Hardie

Darren was courteous and prompt at all times and set me on the right track to find a value for my part-time, service-based business. I would recommend Darren to anyone in the same position as me.